

Then I got the Call…the call I had waited for…

At first, I am not going to lie, I couldn’t keep from being skeptical. I began listening to Kim intently as she was telling me what Indigo had communicated with her. All the while thinking to myself as I was listening to her, huh, ok, of course he likes treats, huh, of course he’s wants more of them, of course he wants more freshwater and more pasture time, but then, Bam, spot on! She started telling me things that no one could ever really know.. personal things, heartfelt things. My heart was going to burst open and then the tears began to flow and it became real… my mind racing now as she was telling me these things.. wow ..

She really did communicate with him! I became a believer! Kim said, the one thing that nobody could possibly have known and then I knew right then and there that she did make a connection with him!!

He answered ALL of my questions:
First , He told her he was 16 and mind you. I never told her how old he was … (I thought he was 14, I was told)

Second, he said he was feeling toxic, and yes I was feeding him a supplement that I was told he didn’t need. Two weeks prior to the reading, he became lethargic so I had stopped that supplement and he thanked her that I did. So that was my confirmation. One thing that stuck out was she mentioned that he likes blue sparkles and peppermint but she said, not the peppermint candy, the peppermint smell. She asked me if I used essential oils. I said oh my gosh, wow, I can’t believe he mentioned that to her, because I actually make peppermint soap with sparkles in it and whenever I go outside to pet him afterwards, he just loves to smell my hands and makes that funny horse smile face!!!

And Third : He also mentioned to her that he is worried about me and my stress levels and that he is my “Calm”!

I lost it right there! Anyone that knows me knows that I tell people that word all the time! So does he hear my conversations?? I think so!

Needless to say, I was left with my questions answered and my heart full from Kim’s amazing reading. The next day I just hugged Indigo real tight and it was like he just knew that I knew that we just reached the highest level of bonding..I will be forever grateful to Kim for her gift she shared with me and she shares with the animal world.

So for all you skeptics and non believers out there, please call Kim and give yourself and your Pets this beautiful experience and gift! I’m sure your horse or other Pets you have, may have somethings important that they would like to share with you. If anything they might want to tell you they’re so Happy and that they simply just Love you.

Karine, Indigo’s human guardian –