posted in: BOOKS


I’m so grateful that you are here. Thank you so much for using the link that brought you to my website. This page was created exclusively for you because of your book purchase. I wanted you to be able to see these photographs clearly and in color. 

This is Marty and a photograph of his urn. Marty was my 20 year old kitty companion who taught me so much in life. However, it wasn’t until after his passing, he taught the greatest lesson that changed my life- Marty taught me how to see the signs from our loved ones. I am forever Grateful to him. 💜

What I first thought to be an ugly knot on the top of Marty’s urn, turned out to be a beautiful angel with Marty in her arms!  Marty’s message came through loud and clear- True beauty lies within!  Marty also conveyed another very important message through showing me an image of a crescent moon on his urn which meant Victory over death. There is no death. The only death is of our physical bodies, our souls live on for eternity. 💜

Several weeks after Mom’s passing, I went back to Levine Cancer Institute to give the trial study team all the information that Mom and I had recorded about her experience. I knew Mom would want her contribution not to go in vain even though the trial came too late for her.  (Mom had been given the choice whether to go back on the chemo that we knew had worked or to participate in a trial of a promising drug that could possibly help so many others fight this terrible disease. 

Mom’s servant spirit chose the trial in hopes that she might make a difference.) It was difficult for me to be back there to say the least, so I asked Mom to please give me a sign to let me know she was there with me. I was “nudged” by spirit to make a picture of the floor – I’ve learned to always listen to that gut feeling even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. What appeared to be an empty floor, my camera caught to be otherwise. There were beautiful rays of light and orbs….And there in the near distance was Mom’s image in the reflection of the floor! She definitely made her presence known to me! 💜



Right after Mom’s diagnosis, we both had our thumb prints recorded. As a surprise for Mom, I had a jeweler design a heart pendant made from half my thumb print and half of Moms. At the time we didn’t realize that our souls had chosen the symbol of a heart to be a reminder of our constant connection. 💜


Mom consistently sends me hearts as I am preparing food for dad and myself. Hearts always show up in onions which is humorous because Mom hated onions and Dad and I love them. 💜


Mom also sends hearts to me when I need them the most. After a really tough day, I went down to the park to feed the community cats. While inside their barn I stepped on something that I thought was a rock but it turned out to be a crystal heart! When I acknowledged it and thanked Mom, then a series of hearts started to appear- an oil spot from the canned cat food  appeared as a heart and the leftover cat food on the plate was in the form of a heart. The next morning, Mom continued to make her presence known by leaving a heart inside my makeup container! 💜

As a special thank you for coming to my page, I’ve included another incredible story of how Mom showed up and made her presence known to me while I was in the midst of a crisis.

Late one evening as I was pulling into my driveway, I saw a squirrel run across the yard towards the courtyard. This was definitely odd since it was dark outside. Being concerned the he might have fallen out of his nest, I immediately went over to him to see if he needed some help. He lifted his head as I put down some fresh water and seeds for him. I explained to him that it was not safe for him to stay the night there even though he thought that he was protected by the picket fence. So I went into the garage to get a cage where he could rest safely inside for the night. I was only gone for a few minutes and only steps away. When I returned I found this precious little one had suddenly died. It was devastating. I cried out to Mom and asked why did this happen? Why did I have to witness this if I could not help?  I went back into the garage to trade the cage for a shovel when suddenly a solar torch lit up. This torch had not worked in months and being that the lights were on inside the garage, there was no explanation for it to light up other than it was Mom letting me know that she was there with me! After I buried the squirrel, I placed the torch by his grave. When the light from the torch lit up the picket fence, I couldn’t believe my eyes! Right there in front of me was the perfect image of Mom! Another beautiful sign of Mom’s presence when I needed her the most! 💜