I enlisted Kim’s help with our cat, Snickers, as she had been hiding under a bed for a couple of months and rarely coming out. I was pretty sure our new puppy was probably the reason but I didn’t tell Kim about him, just to see what Snickers would say.
After Kim spoke with Snickers and shared the info with me, I was amazed at the detail that Kim brought back. First of all, Snickers showed her a picture of a dachshund, which is pretty darn close to the type of puppy we got. She did say that she liked the peace and quiet we had, prior to the puppy. She had some specific requests of me as well, with regard to the room she was in.
Snickers said that she considers herself the queen of house. What’s crazy is that my husband and I have called her that for years, which no one else would know! She then asked for a crown for her collar, as a queen deserves.
After making some changes in the room, that Snickers requested would make her feel better with the situation, she started changing her behavior. She came out from under the bed within 30 minutes! Following more changes and a crown for her collar, she has now even came out of that room!
I am so happy that Kim could help me ease the stress on Snickers and keep her feeling just as important as the new puppy.